Hinton-Turner Funeral Home

Graveside Service

 Considering a Graveside Service?

For some folks, simple is better and that may be a reason to consider a graveside service. A graveside service usually consists of family and friends meeting at the cemetery at the appointed time for a simple service prior to the burial. There are times that this may be the proper yet respectful thing to do. In most cases, there is no visitation at the cemetery, though the family may wish to have a private viewing in the funeral home prior to going to the cemetery.

If you are thinking of holding a graveside service, there are some things to consider. The first thing to think about is the weather. We have seen times when families have had graveside services in accordance with the deceased wishes and they ended up enduring excessive heat, bitter cold or pouring rain. Secondly, consider the lack of accommodations. Whether the service is held under a cemetery tent or in the small chapel that some area cemeteries have, there is usually limited seating so most will be standing throughout the service. The lack of restroom facilities and uneven terrain are other things to bear in mind. Should a minister not limit their remarks to a few minutes, everyone ends up being very uncomfortable by the time the service concludes. Lastly, noise from the surrounding area may be a distraction, keeping those in attendance from hearing the speaker’s remarks.

As you can see, graveside services do not lend themselves well to extended services and large crowds but are better for small intimate groups looking for a simple dignified good-bye.
  1. Wikipedia, "Burial", modified 2014, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burial
  2. National Parks Service, "Burial Customs and Cemeteries in American History", accessed 2014
  3. Funerals & Flowers, "Death and Funeral Customs", 2013
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